Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Welcome Σ Τ Δ's and Blogger's!

        November 15th being the official unveiling of this Blog is coming upon us and fast! First let me introduce what this blog is about: Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a great new book has come out, or where a great classic was being discussed and you had no idea what the people were talking about?! Well, fear no longer! Along with your help, Sigma Tau Delta has started up a blog which reviews books and poetry. It is THE spot to give your opinion on the latest thing, or the oldest one and whether you loved it, hated it and for the education majors, whether or not you would teach it and how. 

So show your support for Buff State, show it for literature, and show it for all of those "lost" moments; no matter where in the world you are or what you're reading!

  Welcome! Any and all reviews can be submitted to

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